Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My dog is a turkey

Are my taste buds growing up or are they* getting better at turkey bacon?

I remember my first experience with turkey bacon. I was at my aunt's house in Bryan, TX, and I remember feeling as if turkey bacon was the "adult bacon."

And I didn't want to grow up.

But I did.

And so now I eat turkey bacon, and honestly, it isn't that bad.

I got home from cell group tonight and I was pretty hungry. Since Jeff wasn't home and I didn't have to think about what he wanted for dinner, I decided to have bacon and eggs. I ended up cooking more than I could eat, so I shared the bacon with the dogs. I think it was Autumn's first experience with bacon.

I think she liked it. Why do I think that? First of all, she's a dog and it's bacon. But also, I caught her eating the paper towel that I used to soak up turkey bacon grease.

It wasn't the first thing she destroyed today. This is the email I got from Jeff earlier today:

"Autumn ate the egg crate foam in the guest room. (She didn't really eat it [I hope], she just tore it up.) I didn't get a picture for you. Sorry."

That's okay, I took my own picture.

She looks like she's feeling guilty here, but really she's just mad that I'm making her sit and stay when what she really wants to do is continue eating egg crate foam.

*By "they" I mean the turkey bacon makers, not my taste buds. That wouldn't make any sense.

1 comment:

  1. We have a destructive one too. Marley (the "marlemator") will scratch through anything, especially cardboard moving boxes, which there are several in the house since my in-laws moved, it starts with a scratch then a hole then she will gnaw away at the layers of cardboard until she has permeated all the way through - my how a 9lb min-pin can cause such damage.
