Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm laughing and crying

On Facebook today, I sent friend requests to a couple of teachers I had in high school.  It's amazing how many names I can't remember.  I remember being in high school and thinking about how there was no way I'd ever forget anyone's name.  I knew them all too well.  I'd spent too much time with them.  And I'd never forget their names. Not in an "I promise I'll never forget you" sort of way.  It was just that my brain retained information.  And so I would never forget.

Fast forward some number of years and here we are.  Many names, forgotten.

However, even though I've forgotten names I thought I wouldn't, there are some things I wish I could have forgotten and did not.

For example:

At the end of my senior year, I bought a few cards to give to some of my teachers.  My favorites.  Whose names I have NOT forgotten.  I remember giving one card to Coach Bucholtz at the senior assembly.  I remember him opening the card and reading it.  And I remember him acting a little weird.  Like he sorta smiled but didn't laugh. Mostly he seemed confused and uncomfortable.  I remember being a little disappointed that he hadn't like my card.  I didn't understand.  And it was the last time I ever saw him, so I was/am a little sad that our last interaction was awkward.

Later, looking back, I realize that perhaps the card was a little, uh, inappropriate.

It went something like this:

Front of card:
It's weird how when you take your hat off, you can still feel it on your head.

Inside card:
It's not that way with underwear though.

Yes, that's right. I gave a card to a male teacher that talks about taking underwear off.  The 18-year-old me gets an F for discretion.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh! Love it! That's so totally your humor...once I thought about it. But yeah, first impresssion, Wo! :) Christy
