I got new glasses this weekend. What do you think?
Just kidding. I didn't get these. Also, what is up with my hair?
I got these instead. You can't really tell in the pics, but the frames are green. I haven't totally decided what I think of them. Jeff says he likes them and that girls in glasses are hot. I can't decide. When I went to work in them yesterday, I felt like I was in junior high going to school for the first time with glasses. I wondered if anyone would say anything. I wondered if I'd be able to tell if they liked them or not based on how they acted when they said, "Oh, they look great." Are you just being polite? Do I really look like a big dork and I just don't know it?
I think maybe they look alright.
Here is a picture of Autumn standing around watching us make dinner.
I thought she looked small in the picture so I decided to take another one with me in it for perspective.
Then Autumn decided to be real cute and lay her head on Jeff's lap while he ate dinner.
I sure do like her. Even though she sometimes eats poop. And then sometimes throws it up on the carpet.
I really like the glasses! Picking out glasses is a traumatic experience. You can't see while you're trying them on, and then when you get them, they'll be what everyone will see when they look you in the eye, which is what people do, so you want it to be just right, but is there such a thing as just right glasses? You never know. Anyway, you did "good"!